How to wear... hair mist

How to wear... hair mist

According to The Telegraph, hair mist is "the new way to wear fragrance". According to Refinery29, it's the ultimate "multitasker". Today, we're diving into what hair mist is, how to wear it, and the best hair mists on the market.

What is hair mist?

Hair mist is a fragrance that's designed to be worn on your hair, instead of your skin. It avoids perfume ingredients that can make your hair dry or frizzy. Many hair mists are multitaskers, providing scent as well as styling. And they tend to be a little cheaper than eau de toilette.

How to wear hair mist

Hair mist is a subtle, final detail. Apply it at the end of your beauty and hairstyling routine. If you're looking for a quick refresh, you can apply dry shampoo immediately before using a hair mist.

Shake the bottle, then spray hair mist over your hair. For the best result, try flipping your hair upside down or lifting it in your hands so that the spray can get to the roots of your hair. Run your fingers gently through your hair to spread the scent molecules a little further... and you're good to go!

Hair mists we love

Hair mists tend to come in classic, floral scents. One of our favorites is the Delina hair mist by Parfums De Marly, recently featured on our Instagram page. This is gentle, romantic but lasting scent with notes of rose and lily-of-the-valley.

Montale also offers a range of hair mists, including the floral Rose Elixir, the deeper and darker Roses Musk, and the bright and modern White Musk. These hair mists are distinctive for their sillage and scent that will last all day.

If you're looking for a mist that styles your hair as well, we recommend the Tea Tree Sea Salt Spray by Beardbrand. Designed to remind you of "cool crisp winter mountain air", this salt spray will give you perfect beach curls. It's a breath of fresh air.

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